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Members Blog

Celebrating June Birthdays

By NAIFA Membership on Jun 6, 2024 11:49:46 AM

NAIFA wishes all of our members celebrating in June a very happy birthday! Take a look at the list of birthdays and send a warm birthday wish to your fellow members!

1 min read

Train Your Brain For Success During June's NAIFA Live

By NAIFA Membership on Jun 6, 2024 11:29:33 AM

Your brain is the single biggest driver of your energy, your focus, and the results you get in every area of life. Your career, your finances, your physical health, your relationships- all of them are constantly created and influenced by your thinking. Unfortunately, your brain didn’t come with an owner’s manual … until now.

Join Roger Seip on June 20th at 12 pm eastern for NAIFA Live: Train Your Brain For Success. You will learn to harness the incredible creative capacity of your mind and achieve your personal best – professionally, financially, and personally.

Learn More & Register

1 min read

Recognizing June Anniversaries

By NAIFA Membership on Jun 5, 2024 5:43:55 PM

We are thankful for our loyal members! NAIFA recognizes our members who are celebrating an NAIFA milestone anniversary this month. Congratulations on your choice to belong to the community that cares. We are moving the needle on #financialliteracy and increasing #financialsecurity in #MainStreetUSA because of your commitment. We are honored that you belong to us and today, we honor you.

1 min read

NAIFA Members Referring Others!

By Randy Clark on Jun 5, 2024 4:00:19 PM

Members referring members is a great way to help build NAIFA.  The following members successfully referred new members last week!  Do you know them?

Topics: #NAIFAProud Members Membership

Make The Most of Your Membership: Benefit Webinar Next Week

By NAIFA Membership on May 29, 2024 8:59:18 PM

Stay up-to-date about the latest and greatest benefits that come with being a NAIFA member. We are constantly adding new offerings to our marketplace. Whether it is new technology tools, ways to market yourself/your practice, educational resources, or simply saving money on your next UPS shipment...we've got you covered.

Wake Up Wednesdays with Marques Ogden

By NAIFA Membership on May 23, 2024 1:03:56 PM

Last month, NAIFA welcomed Marques Ogden to Coaches Circle. He is a former NFL player turned inspirational speaker, author, and entrepreneur. Marques is the founder and CEO of Ogden Ventures LLC, a media and entertainment company that specializes in keynote speaking, business coaching, and consulting. Now he's sharing his passion for developing a winning mindset with NAIFA Nation.

2 min read

Who's Going to Congressional Conference this Year

By NAIFA Government Relations Team on May 16, 2024 12:06:46 PM

We are just a few days away from Congressional Conference! We love seeing our members make the trip to Washington, D.C. each year. You can see who's coming broken down by state and noting who participates in a monthly IFAPAC contribution notated by their IFAPAC Monthly Defender badge. We are delighted to announce that we have over 100 first-time attendees coming to D.C. this year to experience meeting with their House and Senate leaders to discuss the following key topics: 

1 min read

NAIFA Members Headline at Heroes of Zero Conference

By NAIFA Membership on May 2, 2024 6:35:03 PM

Some of NAIFA's most influential members share the main stage during the Heros of Zero Conference in Nashville on May 16-17, 2024. Attendees will hear from Tom Hegna, CLU, ChFC, CASL, LACP, loyal member since 1989, David McKnight, loyal member since 1998, Van Mueller, LUTCF, LACP, loyal member since 1979, and Ed Slott, CPA, loyal member since 1999. Plus NAIFA's 2018 Young Advisor Team Leader of the Year, John D. Richardson, RICP, LACP, loyal member since 2003 will hold a breakout session on Friday.

1 min read

You Could Be One Webinar Away from Triangle Team: EArn Your FSA Badge This Month

By NAIFA Membership on Apr 18, 2024 4:18:20 PM

There are more than 400 NAIFA members who only need to receive their Financial Security Advocate badge to become part of NAIFA's newest member recognition program, the Triangle Team. One of the easiest ways to earn your FSA badge is to attend the group academy on April 24th at 2 pm eastern.

Become a Financial Security Advocate

1 min read

Register Now for NAIFA Live with Mike McGlothlin

By NAIFA Membership on Apr 11, 2024 5:38:21 PM

Don't miss our last NAIFA Live until June! On Thursday, April 18th at 12 pm eastern, Mike McGlothlin, CLU, CFP, ChFC, LUTCF will present "Building a Storybrand" so you may clarify your message to generate leads, create more referrals, and empower your team. This framework will help you understand what your clients are looking for so you can tell your story in a way people listen.
