Advocacy Ambassador
Sign-Up to Participate in NAIFA Advocacy Efforts
Federal and State grassroots advocacy is at the core of what we stand for at NAIFA. With members in all 435 U.S. congressional districts, it is important that we cultivate meaningful relationships with our lawmakers. These relationships help our association support positive legislation and defeat bad bills that would negatively impact our members as well as their clients on Main Street. When our members participate in Congressional Conference, attend in-district meetings, or go to the Hill during the National Leadership Conference our efforts to meet with federal legislators are unmatched.
On top of our federal efforts, we focus on state policy and connecting with elected officials at the local level. Joining your state chapter at their State Legislative Day is one of the many things our members take part in to move the political needle.
There are numerous ways to get involved with NAIFA grassroots advocacy. If you are interested in becoming a grassroots Advocacy Ambassador, please fill out the form below: