Latin American Association of Insurance Agencies
P.O. Box 520844
Miami, FL 33152
The Latin American Association of Insurance Agencies (LAAIA) was founded in 1969 as “The Voice of Independent Insurance Agents”. Today our members represent over $1 Billion in premiums. We work to ensure a healthy insurance environment by providing continuing education, legislative advocacy, representation on national advisory councils, monthly networking events, community outreach and the largest annual insurance convention and trade fair in South Florida. LAAIA is a 501 (c) (6) not-for-profit professional association administered by a volunteer board of directors.
Mission Statement
The Latin American Association of Insurance Agencies is an association of insurance professionals whose purpose is to protect the rights of its members for the benefit of the consumer through education, information, networking and active participation in the political environment and community service.
Key activities of LAAIA include:
- Legislative
Tracking pertinent legislative issues and taking action for members through our legislative consultant and active participation with legislators and regulators. - Education
Providing members with insurance training and required continuous education seminars, all approved by the Department of Insurance. - Communication
Bringing top expert and industry leaders to speak on insurance issues on every monthly member meeting. Providing informative insurance related matters to our members thru different means of communication. - Outreach
LAAIA gives back to the community through it’s support of Holtz Children’s Hospital