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Members Blog

Suzanne Carawan

Recent posts by Suzanne Carawan

1 min read

Top Recruiter Honors for August Goes to.....

By Suzanne Carawan on Sep 5, 2024 2:38:32 PM

Scott Dorminy is the Top Recruiter for the Month of August 2024! Straight outta Russellville, Arkansas, Scott is part of the Farmers network and runs an agency of his own name. A member since 2015, Scott is a true man of NAIFA action. 

3 min read

Members! Your Input Needed by NAIFA & Georgetown University

By Suzanne Carawan on Aug 29, 2024 5:28:47 PM

NAIFA is working with a graduate studies team at Georgetown University to undertake a study on our membership. The pro bono agreement will result in a paper and all contributors/participants will be thanked in the paper and presentation that will be given to NAIFA's National Membership Committee and provided to the Board of Trustees. If you're willing to give 5-7 minutes to complete this survey and/or want to be interviewed by the study leaders, your name will be included in the study to acknowledge your contribution. Thank you in advance for your time and commitment to improving NAIFA!

You can see our team in the picture above as we met today to talk about the project which will conclude in November 2024. To get to know our pro bono consulting team, here are their bios: 

Marvin Jones, MPA, CFAAMA

 Marvin Jones is a retired U.S. Navy Captain with over 41 years of active duty service. He served 11 years as an enlisted member in the U.S. Air Force before accepting a commission as a naval officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps, completing 30 years as a hospital administrator. Throughout his military career, he served in key leadership roles at Navy military treatment facilities and naval commands around the globe. Most notably, he was the Commanding Officer for Naval Health Clinic Charleston, South Carolina, and subsequently served as Commanding Officer/Base Commander for Naval Support Activity Bethesda (NSAB), Maryland, the home of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, the nation’s flagship military hospital.

As Base Commander for NSAB, Marv led the delivery of comprehensive installation support services for over 17,000 employees, patients, patrons and daily visitors while enabling mission success for 43 tenant commands and organizations situated on the base. He oversaw the planning and initial activities that set the stage for $750M in health facility construction and renovations, which increased support for Wounded Warriors and facilitated specialized treatment on the installation’s world class medical campus.

One of his most impactful military assignments was as Chief Diversity Officer for Navy Medicine. In this role, he operationalized and oversaw the enterprise’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategy planning initiatives, and led DEI workshops for 40,000+ military and civilian healthcare professionals at Navy Medicine facilities geographically dispersed around the world.

Marv remains actively engaged in the healthcare administration field and most recently served as a senior healthcare consultant for the Defense Health Agency. He is also an ICF-trained executive coach, working largely with emerging and senior leaders. In addition to role as President/CEO of TDIF Solutions, he is a VP/Senior Consultant for the nationally-recognized Diversity Training Group, and is a senior Organization Development/DEI practitioner and leadership coach with Truclusion Consulting.

Marv is a Commissioner for the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Pathways to Excellence, and serves on the Advisory Committee for the Veterans Health and Wellness Foundation. He is also a board member for the Elimination of Prejudice Foundation and a senior mentor for the National Naval Officer Association.

Topics: Membership
1 min read

Evaluation Drives Valuation

By Suzanne Carawan on Aug 22, 2024 6:06:44 PM

Changing the Lens with RQI 

"The advisory profession has long viewed traditional metrics like production, assets under management (AUM), client satisfaction, loyalty, and retention rates as accurate indicators of successful client relationships. While these metrics offer some insight, they overlook the deeper underlying fundamentals. In today’s rapidly changing financial world, advisors need a more holistic approach to fully grasp their impact on clients and the value of their client relationships.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence
1 min read

Passion Powers People! If You're Passionate about NAIFA, Join us on July 31st

By Suzanne Carawan on Jul 18, 2024 6:14:55 PM

Join us for a special mid-summer meeting on Wednesday, July 31st at 12 pm eastern to focus on membership. With three Supreme Court decisions affecting our business, the DOL fiduciary-only rule, and the upcoming expiration of certain elements of the Tax and Jobs Cut Act, the time is now to expand our base so that we are prepared to welcome in new leaders at the state and federal levels, as well as take action when necessary. 

You've likely heard Van Mueller say, "There has never been a better day to be an insurance agent,"  but what you'll walk away saying is, "There has never been a better day to belong to NAIFA."  

Yes, I am passionate about NAIFA & Will Attend

What We'll Cover:

  • Membership Referral Program and What's in it for YOU
  • Summer Membership Challenge and What's in it for YOU
  • Rewards and Awards for Top Recruiters
  • Member-to-Member Programs that Deliver 10X on your Dues Investment
  • New Membership Benefits that Help You Prospect

Do you know someone who is passionate about NAIFA, but isn't in a formal leadership role (or might be ready to dip their toe in the water, but needs to start small?) Invite them to attend this session & ask them to be part of our Brand Ambassador Team!

Passion for people is what has powered NAIFA since 1890, and it's on all of us to ensure that we keep NAIFA strong!
