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2 min read

Membership Growth: It Takes All of Us

By NAIFA Membership on Aug 1, 2024 3:30:13 PM

NAIFA hosted a special mid-year membership check-in on July 31st. In case you missed the live session, take 40 minutes to watch the recording. Membership recruitment and retention is everyone's responsibility. Throughout the session, you'll hear from NAIFA President Tom Cothron, NAIFA President-Elect Doug Massey, NAIFA Membership Chair Dennis Cuccinelli and NAIFA Membership Vice Chair Carina Hatfield. You'll receive resources and talking points to use when talking to others about the benefits of belonging to NAIFA. The truth is, NAIFA has never had a better value proposition than we do now. All of us need to do what we can to move our association forward.


Here's a summary of what was covered:



