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1 min read

Happy 50th Anniversary Mike & Peg Struebing!

By NAIFA Membership on Aug 15, 2024 2:19:45 PM

Congratulations to loyal member Mike Struebing, CLU, LACP, LUTCF, RICP, and his wife Peg on their 50th wedding anniversary! Family and friends gathered to celebrate this milestone with the Struebings a few weeks ago.

Mike has been a loyal member since 1985 in Omaha. As a LILI alumni, Mike's first board role at NAIFA was in 1993 as the Omaha ALU Membership Chair. He later went on to serve as the local president in 1997 and his first state board role in 1999. In 2003 Mike was the president of NAIFA-Nebraska. He held the title of National Committeeperson for either his local or the state for more than 20 years. Mike's first national volunteer role was in 2006 when he served on the national membership committee and later went on to serve as the committee's chair in 2011. In 2016, he began getting involved in government relations and served as the Assistant Regional Vice Chair for the National Committee on Political Involvement. Mike has remained very active with NAIFA's government relations and is currently serving on the Finance committee and is the Vice Chair of NAIFA's National Grassroots committee.

Mike has been with Principal Financial Group in Elkhorn, NE since 2011. He is a proud member of NAIFA's Triangle Team. Prior to the merger between NAIFA and FSP, Mike joined FSP in 2006. He is an IFAPAC defender and a Capitol Club contributor.

If you or someone you know has a milestone to share with your NAIFA family, let us know at membership@naifa.org
