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2 min read

Are You Ready for Some Football?

By NAIFA Government Relations Team on Aug 22, 2024 6:38:35 PM

We've got 20 people who are ready to rumble this fall over their college football pick'ems. Do you think you can beat Diane Boyle, John Carroll, Devon Dardin, Barry Finn, Tamare Fleury, Andrew Holt, Booker Joseph, Stephen Kagawa, Thomas Littleton, Deborah Marcum, Bronwyn Martin, Doug Massey, Dick Porter, Leonard Raskin, John D. Richardson, William Rowell, Gary Ruden, Zach Russell, Cody Schoonover, or Chad Tredway? There's still time! The league will start next week!

Members who would like to participate may buy-in with a $150 contribution IFAPAC. Members can sign-up on this page to be added to the league or make their $150 contribution online before August 27th.

The season will last 14 weeks. Small prizes are available for weekly winners, and a grand prize of up to $400 will be awarded at the season’s end. The first round will be on Saturday, August 31st. Picks must be entered by Friday, August 30th.  

Good luck making your picks, and, most importantly, thank you for your continued support of IFAPAC!

Contributions to IFAPAC are voluntary and are used to contribute to campaigns of candidates for elected office. Your contributions will be divided between your state chapter’s IFAPAC and IFAPAC National if you have directed NAIFA to do so. You have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. The amount contributed will not benefit or disadvantage you in any way. Corporate contributions to IFAPAC’s political fund are prohibited. Contributions to IFAPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. For NAIFA-Massachusetts members, the division of funds will be 60%/40% up to the state limit of $500 per calendar year. For NAIFA-New York members, a contribution on an LLC account will be retained 100% by the IFAPAC administrative fund due to state campaign finance rules.
