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Summer Membership Challenge Materials

Complete Challenge Details

Download this PDF to share with your leaders to help lead your chapter to the top of the competition!

NAIFA Membership Challenge 2024 Poster-Leaders


Summer Membership Challenge Flyer

Download the PDF to share with your membership to help lead your chapter to the top of the competition!

NAIFA Membership Challenge 2024 Poster-Members


Prospective Member PDF

Download this PDF exclusively for new members during the Summer Membership Challenge. Individuals licensed for 5 or more years receive a special rate of $50/month for their first year!

Sell Sheet for summer challenge-New Members




Former Member PDF

Download this PDF exclusively for former members (those who have been gone 12 months to 5 years*) during the Summer Membership Challenge. Former members can return at the special rate of $1/day. ($30/month or $365 annually)for their first year!

*Anyone lapsed for more than 5 years will be considered a new member.

Summer Challenge Win-Back PDF


Email Header

Download the Email Header to use on your email headers about the Summer Membership Challenge.

NAIFA Membership Challenge 2024 – Email Header (600 x 300 px)


Email Template: Prospective Members

Copy and paste this template into an email to your prospective members! Feel free to edit to make it your own or talk about things happening in your chapter.

Summer Membership Challenge 2024 Email Template New Member


Phone Script: Prospective Members

Use this template (feel free to tweak it to make it your own) when calling potential members to join NAIFA!

Summer Membership Challenge 2024 Phone Script New Members


Email Template: Former Members

Copy and paste this template into an email to your former members! Feel free to edit to make it your own or talk about things happening in your chapter.

Summer Membership Challenge 2024 Email Template Win-Backs


Phone Script: Former Members

Use this template (feel free to tweak it to make it your own) when calling former members to come back to NAIFA!

Summer Membership Challenge 2024 Phone Script Win-Backs


Text Message: New Members

Use this template (feel free to tweak it to make it your own) to text potential members to join NAIFA!

My membership with NAIFA, the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, is among the best investments I've ever made. Consider joining me in the largest and oldest association in the financial services industry. https://belong.naifa.org/join_summer24 



Text Message: Former Members

Use this template (feel free to tweak it to make it your own) to text former members to join NAIFA!

You're invited to take a second look at NAIFA. Our membership value proposition has never been stronger! Come home to the community that cares for $1 a day and explore a new, stronger association. https://naifa.formstack.com/forms/win_back_summer 

Social Media Graphics

Get your chapter pumped up on social media by sharing your chapter membership challenge activities. Download these graphics to create social media posts.

NAIFA Membership Challenge 2024 - Instagram