2024 Orientation
April 22nd | 3 pm eastern
Belonging to your professional association sets you apart from the competition by ascribing to a Code of Ethics, voluntarily investing & participating in a performance-driven networking group, and serving your industry through advocacy and community service.
Enhance your membership and explore all the ways you can engage with NAIFA. Join us for this special all-member orientation program to get familiar with NAIFA and make the most of your membership.
Delivering on our membership promise
Advocate. The research arm of the National Journal validated what every NAIFA member knows: NAIFA is viewed by policymakers as the most credible, valued, and respected voice in the industry. NAIFA protects our business, our industry, and our clients. Educate lawmakers at one of the largest industry fly-ins in Washington.
Educate. Invest in your education and build your network with NAIFA so you can reach your potential and guide your clients to financial security. NAIFA offers professional development opportunities for you to elevate your knowledge, your confidence, your skills, and your productivity.
Differentiate. Our volunteers are the life-blood of our organization. From blog columnists to subject matter experts and committee members to National Leadership, NAIFA allows members to be engaged at any level. Stand out from the crowd as a thought leader by contributing content through NAIFA's platforms or earning a designation. Apply for one of NAIFA's awards to acknowledge good NAIFA citizens.