NAIFA Members Blog

Get a Preview of David McKnight's Latest Book

Written by NAIFA | Oct 31, 2024 10:26:45 PM

The difference between the financial advice you’re likely to receive from mainstream financial “gurus” and the customized, math-based advice your retirement plan requires is what NAIFA member, David McKnight calls “the guru gap.” This is a gap into which hundreds of thousands of good investors unwittingly fall by embracing the flawed, math-be-darned retirement planning advice dispensed by America’s mainstream financial personalities.

 Join best-selling author, and industry thought leader David McKnight for one of his upcoming three webinars as he previews his upcoming book The Guru Gap: How America’s Financial Gurus Are Leading You Astray and How to Get Back on Track. 

Here's What You Can Expect to Discover:

  • How to inoculate your clients against anti-life insurance and annuity rhetoric from mainstream financial gurus
  • Why traditional retirement strategies espoused by mainstream financial gurus could force your clients to run out of money 20 years sooner
  • What gurus don’t want you to know about annuities
  • How to vanquish the guru-endorsed 4% rule from your clients’ portfolios
  • Three cash-value life insurance applications that will dramatically extend the life of your clients’ stock market portfolios
  • How to shield your clients from sequence or return risk, tax-rate risk, inflation risk, and long-term care risk less expensively than the traditional guru approach
  • Why disciplined, sophisticated investors stand to lose millions of dollars through the Dave Ramsey approach to retirement
  • What is the “Circle of Poverty” and how is it bankrupting retirees?
  • Why financial gurus really hate life insurance and annuities
  • Why an investment approach that includes stocks, annuities and life insurance leads to the optimal level of retirement income