NAIFA Members Blog

Evaluation Drives Valuation

Written by Suzanne Carawan | Aug 22, 2024 10:06:44 PM

Changing the Lens with RQI 

"The advisory profession has long viewed traditional metrics like production, assets under management (AUM), client satisfaction, loyalty, and retention rates as accurate indicators of successful client relationships. While these metrics offer some insight, they overlook the deeper underlying fundamentals. In today’s rapidly changing financial world, advisors need a more holistic approach to fully grasp their impact on clients and the value of their client relationships.

Enter the Relationship Quality Index (RQI). This tool represents a shift in how we think about measuring advisor success. By blending Net Promoter Scores (NPS) with additional metrics that attribute value to the client relationship including trust, loyalty, overall experience, and value for fees, the RQI offers a more complete picture of the client relationship."

This excerpt has been taken from an article penned by Tom Rieman who heads up  Practice Intelligence, a new software platform with embedded artificial intelligence that has newly partnered with NAIFA to provide its thought leadership and product to NAIFA members. The software allows you to rate your firm or agency's performance so that you can continuously improve, as well as improve your performance through Ai-based dialog communication tools. 

Do you currently assess yourself, or are interested in doing so? Take our quick survey and see how you stack up to the rest of NAIFA members.